Thursday, November 19, 2009

Almost Thanksgiving

It's been a while since we posted anything. We just found the Camera so expect pictures soon.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Aug. 25, 2009

Hi everyone, going off line for a while. Will post when I can here, so everyone will know what is happening. Temporary email:
Almost moved in, just a little bit in storage to go, then we are done. Then comes part of the hard part , finding a home and place for everything. Will be glad when we are done so Victor can have some rest. Me too. Catch you later
Alan and Victor

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New house in Scotts Mills

I am Learning how to Work this site. am New to Blogging sites forgive the Mess at the moment. The Pictures show the inside and the outside of the house and property. I have'nt figured out how to label anything yet, so bear with me
Lots of Love,
Victor and Alan

Greetings from Wild Mountain Thyme Farm:
Here are some pictures of our New house and property.